Monday 11/18/24 weekly message

This is fitting for the full moon we just had. In order to move forward into 2025 you have to search and recognize what isn't working and let it go. Get off the hamster wheel and truly find who you are.
This is fitting for the full moon we just had. In order to move forward into 2025 you have to search and recognize what isn't working and let it go. Get off the hamster wheel and truly find who you are.
Message for 11/4/24 as I pulled this it was 12:12 which angel numbers mean momentum towards something new. Stay the course. It's just a reminder that self love is important
10/28 I love when two cards fall.
We are coming up on a new moon. A powerful moon that is about manifesting your dreams. This is telling you that being who you are making personal changes may be scary. But happiness is your end game. If you have been feeling off or that you are upset things aren't working out or any part of your life is unhappy. Then fix it. You are not meant to stay in the unhappy.
10/21 sometimes one card falls sometimes more. Faith does not mean religion. Faith are the parts of you that make who you are. We all have our own values and beliefs. It means trust in who you are and you are unstoppable. The universe supports authenticity. When you trust in all that you also find peace.
Have a great week